Oceans and Dynamos in the Jovian Galilean Satellites

Announcement for COE seminar                   # COEŠwpu‰‰‰ï

Date:    2003/11/11 Tuesday, 16:00--17:30
Place:   Seminar room (609) in the 3rd build.  # Ž©‘R‰ÈŠw‚R†ŠÙ
Speaker: Gerald Schubert, 
          Professor and Chair of Earth and Space Sci. Dept.
          Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Title:   Oceans and Dynamos in the Jovian Galilean Satellites

Finally, the title has been fixed as above.
Abstract for the talk may will be available later,
since Jerry (Schubert) is now traveling in west-half of Japan.
He will come to Kobe around noon on 11th, 
and go back to Kyoto after the seminar.
So you have a time to talk with him individually in the afternoon, 
if you are interested in his current research.

Dr. Motoyuki Kido
Kobe University Research Center for Inland Seas (KURCIS)
A202, Faculty of Science, Kobe University
1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, 657-8501 Japan.
Phone: +81-78-803-5758
FAX:   +81-78-803-5757
Email: kido@kobe-u.ac.jp