
講演者 : Prof. Mark Abolins (Department of Geosciences, Middle Tennessee State University, USA) 日時 : 2006年04月24日 (月) 14:00-15:00 場所 : 理学部X棟 206号室 タイトル: Using a Geographic Information System to Understand the 1994 Northridge, California Earthquake 概要 : "Prof. Abolins will present work on a project that help university students understand the 1994 Northridge, California Earthquake. To understand cultural and physical aspects of the earthquake, university students use geographic information system software to examine the characteristics of the affected human population (e.g., population density), damage to buildings, changes in the natural landscape (e.g., landslides) and ground shaking. Although the Northridge Earthquake is often described as an 'urban' earthquake, students learn that much of the strongly-shaken region was sparsely-populated, lessening the human impact."