講演者: Ingrid Mann (神戸大学 大学院自然科学研究科 教授) 題名: Dust Destruction in Planetary Systems: Refuting the P-R Paradigm 日時: 2006年05月12日(金)12:20-13:10 場所: 自然科学3号館6階セミナー室 609号室 The Poynting-Robertson (P-R) effect gradually reduces orbital energy and angular momentum of dust particles in bound orbit about a star. The time span for particles to fall into the star as a result of the P-R effect is much shorter than the age of main-sequence stars and also shorter than the age of many pre-main sequence stars observed to have dust shells. This comparison of the time scales is often given as a proof that the dust clouds are not remnants of the star and/or planetary system formation but rather are replenished by planetary objects orbiting the stars. Though the P-R lifetime is short compared to the age of the central star, in many cases the PR effect it not the main process to limit the lifetime of dust, not even in the solar system. In this presentation I will discuss processes of dust formation and dust destruction by collisions and by stellar wind interactions. I will then present examples how these processes determine the dust distributions and are therefore important for studying planetary debris disks including our own solar system dust cloud. |