講演者  : 野村 英子 (神戸大学 大学院自然科学研究科 COE研究員)
日時    : 2006年09月22日(月)12:20-13:10
場所    : 自然科学3号館 6階セミナー室 609号室
タイトル: Dust Size Growth and Settling in Protoplanetary Disks: 
          Effects on Observational Properties

  It is believed that in protoplanetary disks dust particles are sticking together and settling towards the disk midplane as the first step of planet formation. Observationally, protoplanetary disks have been detected through thermal and scattered emission of dust grains as well as transition line emission of molecular gas. The dust evolution in the disks is expected to affect on the physical and chemical disk structure, and then the observational properties of the disks. I have been working on modeling the physical structure of protoplanetary disks, and effects of the dust evolution on observations of the dust and gas in the disks. In this talk I will summarize what I have worked on at Kobe University. The contents of the talk will be

- Dust size growth and settling in a protoplanetary disk
- Effects of dust evolution on chemical structure of the disks
- Effects on molecular hydrogen emission from the disks
- Effects of photoevaporating flow and dust evolution on
  thermal dust emission from the disks