講演者  : Andrzej Czechowski 
          (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences)
タイトル: Dust vaporization in debris disks
日時    : 2007 年 10 月 15 日 (月)  16:00-
場所    : 自然科学研究科3号館 6階セミナー室 (609)

 Dust collisions are a possible source of gas in debris disks. We estimate the gas production rate from dust collisional vaporization for the case of the beta-Pictoris. We find that the main mechanism is due to collisions between the larger grains in bound orbits and the small grains ("beta-meteoroids") accelerated away from the star by radiation pressure. These collisions lead also to multiplication of small grains which magnifies the effect. We discuss the possibility of applying our results to other debris disks.