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COEPS : ƒTƒuƒOƒ‹[ƒv 1. ˜f¯Œn‚Ì‹NŒ¹‚ÌŒ¤‹†
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Nakagawa, Y. and Nomura, H. Settling and Growth of Dust Particles in Protoplanetary Disks. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37, 676, 2005.
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Nomura, H. and Nakagawa, Y. Dust Size Growth and Settling in a Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal, 640, 1099-1109, 2005.
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Nomura, H. and Millar, T.J. Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Protoplanetary Disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 438, 923-938, 2005.
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Aikawa, Y., and Nomura, H. Physical and Chemical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks with Grain Growth. The Astrophysical Journal, 642, 1152-1162, 2006.
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Kandori, R., Nakajima, Y., Tamura, M., Tatematsu, K. and Aikawa, Y. Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of Bok Globules: Density Structure. The Astronomical Journal , 130, 2199, 2005.
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Bergin, E.A., Aikawa, Y., Blake, G.A, and van Dishoeck, E.F. The Chemical Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks, Protostars and Planets V, 751-766, 2007.
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Di Francesco, J., Evans, N.J.II., Caselli, P., Myers, P.C., Shirley, Y., Aikawa, Y., and Tafalla, M. Observational Perspective of Low-Mass Cores I: Internal Physical and Chemical Properties. Protostars and Planets V, 17-32, 2007.
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Fukagawa, Misato; Tamura, Motohide; Itoh, Yoichi; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Imaeda, Yusuke; Oasa, Yumiko; Hayashi, Saeko S..and Hayashi, Masahiko. Near-Infrared Images of Protoplanetary Disk Surrounding HD 142527. The Astrophysical Journal, 636, L153-L156, 2006.
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Nagashima, M., Koyama, H. and Inutsuka, S. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 361, L25-L29, 2005.
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Inutsuka, S., Koyama, H., and Inoue, T. The Role of Thermal Instability in Interstellar Medium. MAGNETIC FIELDS IN THE UNIVERSE: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures. AIP Conference Proceedings, 784, pp. 318-328, 2005.
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Nakajima,T. et al. A coronagraphic search for brown dwarfs and planets around nearby stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 326, 952-957, 2005.
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Oasa,Y. et al. Very Low Luminosity Young Cluster and the Luminosity and Mass Functions in S106. The Astronomical Journal, 131, 1068-1029, 2005.
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Naoi, T. et al. Near-Infrared Extinction Law in the Rho Ophiuchi and Chamaeleon Dark Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal, 2006 in print.
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Mayama, S et all. SUBARU Near Infrared Coronagraphic Images of T Tauri. Publicasion Astronomical Society of Japan, 2006 in print
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Tachihara, K., Neuhauser, R., Kun, M. & Fukui, Y., Search for new T Tauri stars in the Cepheus-Cassiopeia region, Astronomy & Astrophysics 437 , 919, 2005.
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Gupta, R., Mukai, T., Vaidya, D.B., Sen, A.K. and Okada, Y. Interstellar extinction by spheroidal dust grainsB Astronomy & Astrophysics, 441 , 555-561, 2005.
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Okada, Y., Nakamura, A.M. and Mukai, T. Light scattering by particulate media of irregularly shaped@ particles: laboratory measurements and numerical simulations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 100, 295-304, 2006.
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Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai, Exploring the 7:4 mean motion resonance. I. Dynamical evolution of classical transneptunian objects, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 1175-1187, 2005.
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A.K.Sen, T.Mukai, R.Gupta and H.S.Das , An analysis of the distribution of background star polarization in dark clouds, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 361, 177-190, 2005.
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Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai , Higher albedos and size distribution of large transneptunian objects, Planetary and Space Science, 53 (13), 1319-1330, 2005.
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Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai , Exploring the 7:4 mean motion resonance. II. Scattering evolution paths and resonance sticking, Planetary and Space Science, 54, 87-100, 2006.
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Mukai,T., A.M.Nakamura and T.Sakai, Asteroidal surface studies by laboratory light scattering and LIDAR on HAYABUSA, Adv. Space Res. 37, 138-141, 2006.
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Higuchi A., E.Kokubo and T.Mukai , Scattering of planetesimals by a planet: Formation of comet cloud candidates, Astronom. J. 131, 1119-1129, 2006.
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Nishikawa, J. et al. Combining of nulling interferometer and@ modified pupil for observations of exo-planets. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005.
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Nakajima, T. et al. A coronagraphic search for brown dwarfs and planets around nearby stars. Astronomical Journal 2005.
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Takeuchi, T., and Lin, D.N.C. Attenuation of Millimeter Emission from Circumstellar Disks Induced by the Rapid Dust Accretion. The Astrophysical Journal, 623 , 482-492, 2005.
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Takeuchi, T., Clarke, C. J., and Lin, D.N.C.The Differential Lifetimes of Protostellar Gas and Dust Disks. The Astrophysical Journal, 627, 286-292, 2005.
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Matsuda, T.; Begum, J.; Oka, K.; Hachisu, I.; and Boffin, H. M. Loss of angular momentum from a binary star by stellar wind. The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Proceedings of ASP Conference Vol. 330. Edited by J.-M. Hameury and J.-P. Lasota. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.337.
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Bisikalo, D. V.; Boyarchuk, A. A.; Kaigorodov, P. V.; Kuznetsov, O. A.; and Matsuda, T A new type of spiral waves in accretion discs. The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Proceedings of ASP Conference Vol. 330. Edited by J.-M. Hameury and J.-P. Lasota. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.383.
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Hayashi, E.; Isaka, H.; and Matsuda, T. Comments on ``Angular Momentum Transport in Quasi-Keplerian Accretion Disks'' Progress of Theoretical Physics, 113 , 1183-1191, 2005.
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Jahanara, B.; Mitsumoto, M.; Oka, K.; Matsuda, T.; Hachisu, I.; and Boffin, H. M. J. Wind accretion in binary stars. II. Angular momentum loss. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 441 , 589-595, 2005.
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Bisikalo, D. V.; Boyarchuk, A. A.; Kaygorodov, P. V.; Kuznetsov, O. A.; and Matsuda, T. Formation of the ``precessional'' spiral wave in the cool accretion disk in semidetached binaries. INTERACTING BINARIES: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 797, pp. 295-300, 2005.
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Mitsumoto, M.; Jahanara, B.; Matsuda, T.; Oka, K.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Kilpio, E. Yu.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Boyarchuk, A. A.; and Kuznetsov, O. A. Three-Dimensional Gas-Dynamical Modeling of Changes in the Flow Structure during the Transition from the Quiescent to the Active State in Symbiotic Stars. Astronomy Reports, 49 , I884-891, 2005.
COEPS : ƒTƒuƒOƒ‹[ƒv 2. ŽnŒ´•¨Ž¿‚Ì‹NŒ¹‚Æi‰»‚ÌŒ¤‹†
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J. Ando, N. Tomioka, K. Matsubara, T. Inoue and T. Irifune, (2006) Mechanism of the olivine-ringwoodite transformation in the presence of aqueous fluid. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33, 377-382.
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A. Cellino, F. Yoshida, E. Anderlocci, P. Bendjoya, M. D. Martino, M. Ishiguro, A. MD Nakamura and J. Saito (2005) A Polarimetric study of asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Icarus, 179, 297-303.
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K. Das, S. Bose, I. Ohnishi, S. Dasgupta (2006) Garnet-spinel intergrowths in ultrahigh-temperature granulite, Eastern Ghats, India: Possible evidence of an early Tschermak-rich orthopyroxene during prograde metamorphism. American Mineralogist, 91, 375-384.
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K. Das, K. Fujino, N. Tomioka and H. Miura (2006) Experimental data on Fe and Mg partitioning between coexisiting spinel solid solution and sapphirine: an empirical geothermometer and its application. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18, 49-58.
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TD Fujitani, ND Nakamura and KD Hayashi (2005) Precise determination of chlorine isotopic composition of standard rocks and meteorite samplesD 6th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry. pp79-80.
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TD Fujitani and N. Nakamura (2006) Determination of chlorine in nine standard rocks by isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Resaerch, 30, 113-120.
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N. Hirata, and A.M. Nakamura (2006) Secondary craters of Tycho: Size-frequency distributions and estimated fragment size; velocity relationships, JD GeophysD ResD 111, E03005, doi:10. 1029/2005JE002484.
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K. Misawa, K. Yamada, N. Nakamura, N. Morikawa, K. Yamashita and W.R. Premo (2006) Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of lherzolitic shergottite Yamato-793605. Lunar Planet Sci XXXVII, #1892 (CD-ROM).
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A. Morlok, J. Bowey, M. Koehler and M.M. Grady (2006) FT-IR 2-16 Micron Spectroscopy of Micron-Sized Olivines from Primitive Meteorites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 41, 773-784.
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A. Morlok, J. Bowey, M. Koehler and M.M. Grady (2006) FT-IR Microspectroscopy of Planetary Materials: Comparison of Measurement Techniques. Planetary and Space Sciences, 54, 599-611.
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A. M. Nakamura, H. Shiraishi, R. Honda, Y. Iijima, T. Hashimoto, K. Ninomiya, Y. Yokota and 22 co-authors (2005) Lunar Imaging Camera (LIC) - Pre-flight tests and operation plan, JAXA Research and Development Report, JAXA-RR-04-046E.
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I. Ohnishi and K. Tomeoka (2005) Hydrothermal alteration experiments of enstatite under various pH conditions: Implications for aqueous alteration of carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40, A118.
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I. Ohnishi, K. Tomeoka (2005) Hydrothermal alteration experiments of the Allende CV3 chondrite under highly alkaline conditions. Antarctic Meteorites 29, 61-62.
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H. Shimoda, N. Nakamura, M. Kimura, T. Kani, S. Nohda and K. Yamamoto (2005) Evidence from the Rb-Sr systematics for 4.4 Ga alteration of chondrules in the Allende (CV3) parent body. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40, 1059-1072.
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K. Tomeoka, T. Kojima, I. Ohnishi, Y. Ishii, N. Nakamura (2005) The Kobe CK carbonaceous chondrite: petrography, mineralogy and metamorphism. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 100, 116-125.
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N. Tomioka, K. Tomeoka and K. Nakamura (2005) Analytical transmission electron microscopy of experimentally shocked Murchison CM chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 40, A156.
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K. Yamashita, T. Ueda, N. Nakamura, N. Kita and L. M. Heaman (2005) Chromium isotopic study of mesosiderite and ureilite: evidence for e54 Cr deficit in differentiated meteorites. Antarctic Meteorites 29, 100-101.
COEPS : ƒTƒuƒOƒ‹[ƒv 3. ˜f¯‚Ìi‰»‚Æ‘½—l«‚ÌŒ¤‹†
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Hashimoto, G. L., and Abe, Y., Climate control on Venus: Comparison of the carbonate and pyrite models, Planet. Space Sci., 53, 839-848, 2005.
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Ichiyanagi, K., Yoshimura, K., and Yamanaka, M. D., Validation of changing water origins over Indochina during the withdrawal of the Asian monsoon using stable isotopes. SOLA , 1 , 113-116. doi:10.2151/sola.2005-030, 2005.
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Sakurai, N., Murata, F., Yamanaka, M. D., Hashiguchi, H., Mori, S., Hamada, J.-I., Tauhid, Y.-I., Sribimawati, T., and Suhardi, B., Diurnal cycle of migration of convective cloud systems over Sumatera Island. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 83 , 835-850, 2005.
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Ichiyanagi, K., and Yamanaka, M. D., Interannual variation of stable isotopes in precipitation at Bangkok in response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Hydrological Processes , 19 , 3413-3423, 2005.
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Teshiba, M., Fujita, H., Hashiguchi, H., Shibagaki, Y., Yamanaka, M. D. and Fukao, S., Detailed structure within a tropical cyclone ``eye''. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 32 , L24805, doi:10.1029/2005GL023242, 2005.
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Shibagaki, Y., Shimomai, T., Kozu, T., Mori, S., Fujiyoshi, Y., Hashiguchi, H., Yamamoto, M. K., Fukao, S., and Yamanaka, M. D., Multi-scale convective systems associated with an intraseasonal oscillation over the Indonesian maritime continent. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 134 , 1682-1696, 2006.
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Nodzu, M. I., Ogino, S.-Y., Tachibana, Y., and Yamanaka, M. D., Climatological description on seasonal variations of temperature inversion layers over the Indochina Peninsula. J. Climate , 19 , 3307-3319, 2006.
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Murata, F., Yamanaka, M. D., Hashiguchi, H., Mori, S., Kudsy, M., Sribimawati, T., Suhardi, B., and Emrizal, Dry intrusions following eastward-propagating synoptic-scale cloud systems over Sumatera Island. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 84 , 277-294, 2006.
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Hashiguchi, N. O., Yamanaka, M. D., Ogino, S.-Y., Shiotani, M., and Sribimawati, T., Seasonal and interannual variations of temperature in tropical tropopause layer (TTL) over Indonesia based on operational rawinsonde data during 1992-1999. J. Geophys. Res. , 111 , D15110, 2006. doi:10.1029/2005JD006501.
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Ogino, S.-Y., Sato, K., Yamanaka, M. D., and Watanabe, A., Lower-stratospheric and upper- tropospheric disturbances observed by radiosondes over Thailand during January 2000. J. Atmos. Sci. , 63 , 3437-3447, 2006.
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Araki, R., Yamanaka, M. D., Murata, F., Hashiguchi, H., Oku, Y., Sribimawati, T., Kudsy, M., and Renggono, F., Seasonal and interannual variations of diurnal cycles of local circulation and cloud activity observed at Serpong, West Jawa, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 84 , provisionally accepted, 2006.
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Mori, S., Hamada, J.-I., Tauhid, Y. I., Yamanaka, M. D., Kodama, Y.-M., Kawashima, M., Shimomai, T., Shibagaki, Y., Hashiguchi, H., and Sribimawati, T., Vertical wind characteristics in precipitating cloud systems over west Sumatera, Indonesia, observed with Equatorial Atmosphere Radar: Case study on 23-24 April 2004 during the CPEA Campaign Period-1. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 84 , provisionally accepted, 2006.
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Hamada, J.-I., Yamanaka, M. D., Mori, S., Tauhid, Y. I., and Sribimawati, T., Differences of rainfall characteristics between coastal and mountainous areas of Sumatera, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , in waiting final review on revised manuscript, 2006.
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Ichiyanagi, K., Yoshimura, K., and Yamanaka, M. D., Isotopic composition of rainfall in Thailand depend on the convection system. J. Hydrol. , in waiting final review on revised manuscript, 2006.
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Ishida, S.-I., and Iwayama, T., A comprehensive analysis of nonlinear corrections to the classical Ekman pumping. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , in revision after submission, 2006.
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Sakurai, N., Kawashima, M., Fujiyoshi, Y., Hashiguchi, H., Mori, S., Hamada, J.-I., Murata, F., Yamanaka, M. D., Tauhid, Y.-I., Sribimawati, T., and Suhardi, B., Internal structure of precipitating cloud system migrating with diurnal cycle over Sumatera Island during CPEA-I campaign observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , in revision after submission, 2006.
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Harjana, T., Mitsuta, Y., and Yamanaka, M. D., Possibility of estimating Indonesian rainfall using GMS-IR data. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , in revision after submission, 2006.
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Ichiyanagi, K., Yamanaka, M. D. and Muraji, Y., Precipitation in Nepal between 1987 and 1996. Int. J. Climatol. , in revision after submission, 2006.
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Sueyoshi, M. and Iwayama, T., Hamiltonian structure for the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima euqation in the asymptotic model regime. Fluid Dynamical Research , submitted, 2006.
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Kiyohara, Y., Ogino, S.-Y., Fudeyasu, H., and Yamanaka, M. D., Downslope wind at the southern foot of the Rokko Mountains in Japan: Observations and numerical simulation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , submitted, 2006.
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Su, L., Yang, Z., Sun, Z., Yang, T., Zaman, H., Takemoto, K., and Otofuji, Y., Regional deformation features of the South China Block inferred from Middle Triassic palaeomagnetic data, Geophys. J. Int., 162, 339-356 2005.
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Narumoto, K., Yang, Z., Takemoto, K, Zaman, H., Morinaga, H., and Otofuji, Y., Anomalously shallow inclination in middle-northern parts of the South China block: palaeomagnetic study of Late Cretaceous red beds from Yichang area, Geophys. J. Int., 164, 290-300, 2006.
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Otofuji, Y., Miura, D., Takaba, K., Takemoto, K., Narumoto, K., Zaman, H., Inokuchi, H., Kulinch, R. G., Zimin, P. S., and Sakhno, V. G., Counter-clockwise rotation of the eastern part of the Mongolia block: Early Cretaceous palaeomagnetic results from Bikin, Far Eastern Russia, Geophys. J. Int., 164, 15-24, 2006.
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Tada, N, Seama, N., Goto, T., and Kido, M., 1-D resistivity structures of the oceanic crust around the hydrothermal circulation system in the central Mariana Trough using magnetometric resistivity method, Earth Planets Space, 57, 673-677, 2005.
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ŽR–{˜HŽq, “‡L˜a, uŠC—m’nŽ¥‹CˆÙí‚͉½‚ð‰f‚·‚©H ’nŽ¥‹CˆÙí‚ƌÒnŽ¥‹C‹“x•Ï‰»‚ÌŠÖ˜Av, ’nŠwŽGŽ, 114(2), 239-249, 2005.
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Yamamoto, M., Seama, N., and Isezaki, N., Geomagnetic paleointensity over 1.2Ma from deep-tow vector magnetic data across the East Pacific Rise, Earth Planets Space, 57, 465-470, 2005.
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㓈³l, ÎŒ´äŽÀ, ¬ò‹àˆê˜Y, “‡L˜a, ‰Ÿ“c~, “¡–{”Ž–¤, ‹ààV•q•F, £ŒË“àŠC”d–“å‚Å‚ÌŠC’êd—Í‘ª’èDŠC—m’²¸‹ZpD( Žó—)
78. |
‘½“cŒPŽq, “‡L˜aDMagnetometric Resistivity –@‚ð—˜—p‚µ‚½ŠC—m’nŠk‚Ì”ä’ïR\‘¢’T¸D•¨—’T¸D( Žó—)
79. |
Kitada, K., Seama, N., Yamazaki, T., Nogi, Y., and Suyehiro, K., Distinct regional differences in crustal thickness along the axis of the Mariana Trough, inferred from gravity anomalies, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., accepted.
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Wiens, D.A, Seama, N., and Conder, J. A., Mantle structure and flow patterns beneath active back-arc basins inferred from passive seismic and electromagnetic methods, Ridge 2000-InterRidge AGU Monograph; Interactions among Physical, Chemical, Biological and Geological Processes in Back-Arc Spreading Systems, accepted.
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Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. P. and Gunji, Y. P., Robot control with biological cells.. In Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues, pp.202-216, St. William's College, York, 2005.
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Haruna, T. and Gunji, Y.-P., Autonomous indefiniteness versus external indefiniteness: theory of weak topped ¿-structure and its application to elementary local cellular automaton. Physica D 202, 71-94, 2005.
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Gunji, Y.-P., Haruna, T., Shirakawa, T., and Sonoda, K., Open limit: A wholeness with vagueness driving ver-handlung. In: Endo-Physics, Time, Quantum and Subjectives, Buccheri, R., Elitzur , A. C., and Saniga, M. (eds)., World Scientific, 57-72, 2005.
84. |
Gunji, Y.-P., Haruna, T., and Balaz, I.,. Extended pain as margin to paste up future. Proceedings of FIS 2005, The third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, Paris, July 4-7, 2005. http://www.mdpi.org/fis2005/proceedings.html.
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Migita, M., Mizukami, E. and Gunji, Y.-P., Flexibility in starfish behavior by multi-layered mechanism of self-organization. BioSystems 82, 107-115, 2005.
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Gunji, Y.-P. Miyoshi, H. Takahashi, T. & Kamiura, M. (2005). Dynamical duality of type- and token-computation as an abstract brain. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 27,1187-1204.
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Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. P. and Gunji, Y.-P., Robot control: from silicon circuitry to cells, in Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, Second International Workshop, BioADIT 2006, Osaka, Japan, January 26-27, 2006, Proceedings, Ijspeert, A. J., Masuzawa, T. and Kusumoto, S. (eds), Springer, 20-32, 2005.
88. |
Li, C. B., Matsunaga, Y, Toda, M., and Komatsuzaki, T., Phase space reaction network on a multisaddle energy landscape: HCN isomerization'. Journal of Chemical Physics 123,184301(1)-184301(13), 2005.
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Li, C. B., Toda, M., and Komatsuzaki, T., Chaotic reaction dynamics and the phase space geometry of multidimensional chemical reaction, Bussei Kenkyu (Kyoto ), 84-3,481-482 , 2005.
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Gunji, Y.-P., Haruna, T., and Sawa, K.., Principles of Biological organization: Local-global negotiation based on gMaterial causeh, Physica D, to appear, 2006.
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Li, C. B., Shojiguchi, A., Toda, M., and Komatsuzaki, T., Dynamical hierarchy in transition states of reactions'. Few-Body Systems, 38, 173-179, 2006.
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Shojiguchi, A., Baba, A., Li, C. B., Komatsuzaki, T., and Toda, M., Wavelet analysis and Arnold web picture for detecting energy transfer in Hamiltonian dynamical system. Journal of Laser Physics, 16, 1097-1106, 2006.
93. |
ŒSŽiƒyƒMƒI K•vAu¶–½—˜_v, “NŠw‘–[, 2006.
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ŒSŽiƒyƒMƒI K•v, uƒ}ƒeƒŠƒAƒ‹‚ȶ–½vCu’kŽÐŒ»‘ãV‘, ˆóü’†, 2006.
95. |
Fuchigami, S., Komatsuzaki, T., and Toda, T. (eds), Proceeding reports on 'Dynamical Problems on Lugged Energy Landscapes III, Proteins and the others'. Bussei Kenkyu (Kyoto) , 86, 37-XXX, 2006.