--- APPLICATION FORM Please complete the following application form and e-mail this form to by September 22, 2008. ----- cut here ----------- cut here ------------- cut here ---------- Application for participation in the Planetary School January 5 - 9, 2009 1. Name (family name, given name) __________________________ 2. Status/Degree (M1/M2/D1/D2/D3/postdoc for domestic applicants, master's or doctoral(Ph.D.) students/postdocs for foreign applicants, exclusive of bachelor or diploma students) _____________________________ 3. Affiliation (Department and Institution) _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Postal address ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Citizenship (Country) _______________________ 6. E-mail address ______________________________ 7. Phone number ______________________________ 8. FAX number ______________________________ 9. Your current research subject(s) or interests (about 400 words); _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Reference Information: Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of a person whom we could consult about your qualifications (usually a supervisor for your thesis or a person in charge of your position). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. Are you planning to present a poster? (Yes/Maybe/No) _________ 12. Do you request financial support? (Yes/No) ____ 13. Estimate of transportation expenses (If Yes in Item 12): ________________________ (JPY/USD/EURO) Departure from: _________, Arrival at: _________ Airline Company (for foreign applicants): _________ If possible, please attach a written estimate from your travel agency or air company. 14. Preferred room type: (a) a Japanese-style room w/o tub/shower for share (approx. 36,000 JPY), (b) a Japanese-style room w/ tub for share (approx. 38,000-50,000 JPY), (c) a Japanese-style room w/o tub/shower for single use (approx. 48,000 JPY), or (d) a Japanese-style room w/ tub for single use (approx. 50,000 JPY). ________________________ --------- end of the application form ------------------------------