COE学術講演会のお知らせ 日時:2003年10月17日(金) 15:00〜16:30 場所:自然科学3号館6階セミナー室(609) Dr. Ingrid Mann Institut fuer Planetologie, Westfaelische Wilhelms - Universitaet, Muenster, Germany The Heliosphere and the Meteoritic Complex The near-solar cloud inside Earth orbit is the central region of the meteoritic complex that evolves from the small bodies of our planetary system. With its complexity of acting forces, physical processes, and interactions, it provides a unique opportunity for directly studying a cosmic dust-plasma cloud and processes therein that also appear in other cosmic environments. Dust particles produce the solar F-corona and the zodiacal light and sun-grazing comets are observed falling into the Sun. Yet, these astronomical phenomena reveal only a part of the dust physics in the inner solar system. Dust charging, surface reactions and dust destruction are not accessible to direct observations. The production of pick-up ions provides the connection of the meteoritic complex to other populations of heliospheric particles. Recent observations from spacecraft open up new possible scenarios as to the sources and composition of meteoritic material in the inner solar system. 判りやすく話していただきます。院生・学生の皆さんも、是非ご来場ください。 COEプログラム「惑星系の起源と進化」