Kobe International School of Planetary Sciences 2007

- Final Circular: [PDF]
- Date: July 16-20, 2007
- Place: Maiko Villa Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.
- Access: [PDF]
- Schedule
- Participants
- Poster Presentations
- Photo (New !!!)
- Lecturers and titles:
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Adrian Brearley (University of New Mexico, USA):
| Parent-body processes: Action of water and thermal metamorphism
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Alexander Krot (University of Hawaii, USA):
| Chondritic meteorites and their components: Insights into the nebular and parent body processes
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Scott Messenger (NASA Johnson Space Center, USA):
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Presolar grains and starting materials for solar system construction
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Kevin Righter (NASA Johnson Space Center, USA):
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Compositional relationships between meteorites and planets
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Sara Russell (Natural History Museum, UK):
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Timescales and processes of the solar protoplanetary disk
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Tom Sharp (Arizona State University, USA):
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Shock Effect in Meteorites and Constraints on Shock Pressure
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Reuse and/or modifications of figures and tables in the PDF files are not allowed.
LOC members:
N. Tomioka (LOC Chair), A. Morlok, A.M. Nakamura,
I. Onishi,
M. Yoshitake, M. Okazaki, Y. Itoh, Y. Yamashita,
K. Tomeoka (2007 School Chair)
Questions on the school are welcome to the following
E-mail: pschool-info@cps-jp.org
Naotaka Tomioka
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501,Japan
Fax: +81-78-803-5757