
講演者 : Jeff Kuhn (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, USA) 日時 : 2006年07月24日(月)17:00-18:30 場所 : 自然科学3号館6階セミナー室 609号室 タイトル: Near-Sun Coronal Infrared Spectroscopy: New Clues to the Interplanetary and Interstellar Media 概要 : In recent years great progress has been made with sensitive infrared spectropolarimetry techniques for day-time ground-based observing. With these techniques we're making progress on problems we've traditionally relegated to space observations. Here I'll describe two of these classical problems (the coronal magnetic field and the interstellar neutral helium wind) and the progress we've made from near-IR spectropolarimetry using the worlds largest coronagraph, operating from Haleakala, Maui, Hawai'i.