CPS : Center for Planetary Science
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[Kobe Planetary School] [Papers] [Textbook]
[2003] [2004] [2005] [2006] [2007]

COEPS : sub-group 1. Origin of Planetary Systems

1.  Itoh, Y., Hayashi, M., Tamura, M., Tsuji, T., Oasa, Y., Fukagawa, M.,Hayashi, S. S., Naoi, T., Ishii, M., Mayama, S., Morino, J., Yamashita, T.,Pyo, T. S., Nishikawa, T., Usuda, T., Murakawa, K., Suto, H., Oya, S.,Takato, N., Ando, H., Miyama, S. M., Kobayashi, N., and Kaifu, N.A Young Brown Dwarf Companion to DH Tauri. Astrophysical Journal, 620,984-993, 2005.
2.  Takeda, Y., Sato, B., Kambe, E., Izumiura, H., Masuda, S., and Ando, H.Stellar Parameters and Photospheric Abundances of Late-G Giants:Properties of the Targets of the Okayama Planet Search Program.Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 109-125, 2005.
3.  Sato, B., Kambe, E., Takeda, Y., Izumiura, H., Masuda, S., and Ando, H.Radial-Velocity Variability of G-Type Giants: First Three Years of the Okayama Planet Search Program. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 97-107, 2005.
4.  Takeda, Y., Ohkubo, M., Sato, B., Kambe, E., and Sadakane, K.Spectroscopic Study on the Atmospheric Parameters of Nearby F--K Dwarfs and Subgiants. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 27-43, 2005.
5.  Takeda, Y., Sato, B., Kambe, E., Masuda, S., Izumiura, H., Watanabe, E., Ohkubo, M., Yanagisawa, K., Yasaka, Y., Honda, S., Kawanomoto, S., Aoki, W., Ando, H., Sadakane, K., Takada-Hidai, M., and Miyama, S.M. High-Dispersion Spectra Collection of Nearby F--K Stars at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory: A Basis for Spectroscopic Abundance Standards. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 13-25, 2005.
6.  Fischer, D. A., Laughlin, G., Butler, P., Marcy, G., Johnson, J., Henry, G., Valenti, J., Vogt, S., Ammons, M., Robinson, S., Spear, G., Strader, J., Driscoll, P., Fuller, A., Johnson, T., Manrao, E., McCarthy, Ch., Munoz, M., Tah, K. L., Wright, J., Ida, S., Sato, B., Toyota, E., and Minniti, D. The N2K Consortium. I. A Hot Saturn Planet Orbiting HD 88133. Astrophysical Journal, 620, 481-486, 2005.
7.  Lucas, P. W., Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Beckford, A. F., Itoh, Y., Murakawa, K., Suto, H., Hayashi, S. S., Oasa, Y., Naoi, T., Doi, Y., Ebizuka, N., and Kaifu, N. High-resolution imaging polarimetry of HL Tau and magnetic field structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 352, 1347-1364, 2004.
8.  Fukagawa, M., Hayashi, M., Tamura, M., Itoh, Y., Hayashi, S. S., Oasa, Y., Takeuchi, T., Morino, J., Murakawa, K., Oya, S., Yamashita, T., Suto, H., Mayama, S., Naoi, T., Ishii, M., Pyo, T. S., Nishikawa, T., Takato, N., Usuda, T., Ando, H., Iye, M., Miyama, S. M., and Kaifu, N. Spiral Structure in the Circumstellar Disk around AB Aurigae. Astrophysical Journal, 605, L53-L56, 2004.
9.  Ishii, M., Tamura, M., and Itoh, Y. Subaru K-Band Spectroscopy of Low-Mass Protostars in Taurus. Astrophysical Journal, 612, 956-965, 2004.
10.  Winn, J. N., Suto, Y., Turner, E. L., Narita, N., Frye, B. L., Aoki, W., Sato, B., and Yamada, T. A Search for Hα Absorption in the Exosphere of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 56, 655-662, 2004.
11.  Sato, B. Okayama Planet Search Program: searching for planets around giant stars. The Astronomical Herald , 97, 315-327, 2004. (in Japanese)
12.  Honda, S., Aoki, W., Ando, H., Izumiura, H., Kajino, T., Kambe, E., Kawanomoto, S., Noguchi, K., Okita, K., Sadakane, K., Sato, B., Takada-Hidai, M., Takeda, Y., Watanabe, E., Beers, T. C., Norris, J. E., and Ryan, S. G. Spectroscopic Studies of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. I. Observational Data. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 152, 113-128, 2004.
13.  Nomura, H. Structure and Instabilities of Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks: Effects of Dust Particle Growth. Astrophysics and Space Science, 292, 435-438, 2004.
14.  Nomura, H. and Inutsuka, S. Photoevaporation of Protoplanetary Disks Irradiated by a Massive Star. "Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow", ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 321 (Eds., J.-P. Beaulieu, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, and C. Terquem) pp. 335-336 (2004).
15.  Matsuura, M., Zijlstra, A.A., Molster, F.J., Waters, L.B.F.M., Nomura, H., Sahai, R., and Hoare, M.G. The dark lane of the planetary nebula NGC6302. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 359, 383-400, 2005.
16.  Moriwaki, K. and Nakagawa, Y. A Planetesimal Accretion Zone in a Circumbinary Disk. Astrophysical Journal 609, 1065-1070, 2004.
17.  Moriwaki, K. and Nakagawa, Y. Planetesimal Accretion in Binary Systems. Lunar and Planetary Conference XXXV 1221.pdf, 2004.
18.  Takeuchi, T., Velusamy, T., and Lin, D.N.C. Apparent Stellar Wobble by a Planet in a Circumstellar Disk: Limitations on Planet Detection by Astrometry. Astrophysical Journal, 618, 987-1000, 2005
19.  Takeuchi, T., and Lin, D.N.C. Attenuation of Millimeter Emission from Circumstellar Disks Induced by the Rapid Dust Accretion. Astrophysical Journal, 623, 482-492, 2005.
20.  Takeuchi, T., Clarke, C. J., and Lin, D.N.C. The Differential Lifetimes of Protostellar Gas and Dust Disks. Astrophysical Journal, 627, 286-292, 2005.
21.  Seta, M., Hasegawa, T., Sakamoto, S., Oka, T., Sawada, T., Inutsuka, S., Koyama, H., and Hayashi, M. Detection of Shocked Molecular Gas by Full-Extent Mapping of the Supernova Remnant W44. Astronomical Journal, 127, 1098-1116, 2004.
22.  Koyama, H., and Inutsuka, S. The Field Condition: A New Constraint on Spatial Resolution in Simulations of the Nonlinear Development of Thermal Instability. Astrophysical Journal, 602, L25-L28, 2004.
23.  Inutsuka, S., and Koyama, H. The Formation of Molecular Clouds. "Gravitational Collapse: From Massive Stars to Planets" (Eds. G. Garcia-Segura, G. Tenorio-Tagle, J. Franco, and H. W. Yorke) Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 22, pp. 26-29, 2004.
24.  Nagae, T., Oka, K., Matsuda, T., Fujiwara, H., Hachisu, I., and Boffin, H.M.J. Wind accretion in binary stars. I. Mass accretion ratio. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 419, 335-343, 2004.
25.  Oka, K., Matsuda, T., Hachisu, I., and Boffin, H.M.J. Numerical simulation of the surface flow on the companion star in a close binary system. II. Construction of Doppler maps and application to Galactic supersoft X-ray sources. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 419, 277-283, 2004.
26.  Pogorelov, N.V. and Matsuda, T. Comment on "On the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium: Field aligned MHD flow" by R. Ratkiewicz and G. M. Webb. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, A2, 2004.
27.  Aikawa, Y., Herbst, E., Roberts, H,, and Caselli, P. Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. III. Contraction of a Bonnor-Ebert Sphere. Astrophysical Journal, 620, 330-346, 2005.
28.  Mann I., H.Kimura, D.A.Biesecker, B.T.Tsurutani, E.Gruen, B.McKibben, J-C. Liou, R.M.MacQueen, T.Mukai , L.Guhathakurta, and P.Lamy, Dust near the Sun, Space Science Reviews, 110,(3), 269-305 , 2004.
29.  Mukai T., A. Higuchi, P.S. Lykawka, H. Kimura, I. Mann and S. Yamamoto , Small bodies and dust in the outer solar system, Adv. Space Res., 34/1, 172-178, 2004.
30.  Saklayen Md. A. and T.Mukai , Orbital variation of the rotating non-spherical dust grains due to change of the solar radiation forces by shape effect, Earth, Planets and Space 56, 613-620, 2004

COEPS : sub-group 2.
Origin and Evolution of Primordial Materials

31.  Y. Hirase, A. M. Nakamura, and T. Mitikami (2004) Ejecta size-velocity relation derived from the distributio of the secondary craters of kilometer-sized craters on Mars, Planet. Space Sci. 52, 1103-1108.
32.  N. Hirata and A. M. Nakamura (2005) Secondary Craters of Tycho: Size-Range Distribution and Estimated Fragment Size Distribution, Proc. 37th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 17-20.
33.  M. Inoue, M. Kimura and N. Nakamura (2004) REE abundances in the matrix of the Allende (CV) meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 39, 599-608.
34.  N. Ishizaki and K. Tomeoka (2004) Silicate darkening in CK chondrites: Verification of the cause by vesicular olivine. Antarctic Meteorites 28, 21-22.
35.  T. Katsura, S. Yokoshi, M. S. Song, M. Kawabe, T. Tsujimura, A. Kubo, E. Ito, Y. Tange, N. Tomioka, K. Saito, A. Nozawa, K. Funakoshi (2004) Thermal expansion of Mg2SiO4 ringwoodite at high pressures. Journal of Geophysical Research 109, doi:10.1029/2004JB003094
36.  T. Sakai and A.M. Nakamura (2005) Quantification of porosity and surface roughness in laboratory measurements of the bidirectional reflectance of asteroid surface analogues. Earth, Planets, and Space, 57, 71-76.
37.  H. Shimoda, T. Kani, N. Nakamura, M. Kimura, S. Nohda and K. Yamamoto (2005); Evidence from the Rb-Sr systematics for 4.4 Ga alteration of chondrules in the Allende (CV3) parent body. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 40, 1059-1072.
38.  M. Sugita and K. Tomeoka (2004): Sodium-metasomatism in CAIs in the anomalous carbonaceous chondrite Ningqiang: Evidence for parent-body processes. Antarctic Meteorites 28, 77-78.
39.  K. Tomeoka and D. Itoh (2004) Sodium-metasomatism in chondrules in CO3 chondrites: Relationship to parent-body thermal metamorphism. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 39, 1359-1373.
40.  K. Tomeoka, T. Kojima, I. Ohnishi, Y. Ishii and N. Nakamura (2005) The Kobe CK carbonaceous chondrite: Petrography, mineralogy and metamorphism. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 100, 116-125.
41.  K. Yamashita, N. Nakamura and L.M. Heaman (2004) Pb isotopic study of Kobe (CK4) meteorite. Antarctic Meteorites 28, 93-94.

COEPS : sub-group 3. Evolution and Diversity of Planets

42.  Fukao, S., T. Tsuda, T. Nakamura, H. Hashiguchi and M. D. Yamanaka, 2004: Middle atmosphere response to forcing from above and below. Advances in Solar-Terrestrial Physics, H. Oya (ed.), TERRAPUB/D.Reidel, 213-267.
43.  Mori, S., J.-I. Hamada, Y. I. Tauhid, M. D. Yamanaka, N. Okamoto, F. Murata, N. Sakurai and T. Sribimawati, 2004: Diurnal rainfall peak migrations around Sumatera Island, Indonesian maritime continent observed by TRMM satellite and intensive rawinsonde soundings. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2021-2039.
44.  Sasaki, T., P.-M. Wu, S. Mori, J.-I. Hamada, Y. I. Tauhid, M. D. Yamanaka, T. Yoshikane and F. Kimura, 2004: Vertical moisture transport above the mixed layer around mountains in western Sumatera. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(8), L08106, doi:10.1029/2004GL019730.
45.  Teshiba, M., M. D. Yamanaka, H. Hashiguchi, Y. Shibagaki, Y. Ohno and S. Fukao, 2004: Secondary circulation within a tropical cyclone observed with L-band wind profilers. Ann. Geophys., 22, 3951-3958.
46.  Umemoto, Y., M. Teshiba, Y. Shibagaki, H. Hashiguchi, M. D. Yamanaka, and S. Fukao, 2004: Combined wind profiler-weather radar observations of orographic rainband around Kyushu, Japan in the Baiu season. Ann. Geophys., 22, 3971-3982.
47.  Watanabe, T. and T. Iwayama, 2004: Unified scaling theory for local and non-local transfers in generalized two-dimensional turbulence . J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 74, 3319-3330.
48.  HASHIMOTO George L., 2005: Formation of Atmospheres on Terrestrial Planets, The Astronomical Herald, 98, 7-13. (in Japanese)
49.  Iwayama, T. and T. G. Shepherd, 2006: Self-similarity of vorticity dynamics in decaying two-dimensional turbulence. In "Proceedings of IUTAM symposium on Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures --Significance in Turbulence Dynamics". 177-182.
50.  Ichiyanagi, K., and M. D. Yamanaka, 2005: Interannual variation of stable isotopes in precipitation at Bangkok in response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Hydrological Processes, 18, (IAEA Special Issue), 19, 3413-3423. (doi:10.1002/hyp.5978)
51.  Hashimoto, G.L., and Y. Abe, 2005: Climate control on Venus: Comparison of the carbonate and pyrite models. Planet. Space Sci., provisionally accepted.
52.  Ogino, S.-Y., K. Sato, M. D. Yamanaka and A. Watanabe, 2004: Characteristics of short-vertical scale waves in the lower stratosphere and the upper troposphere over Thailand revealed by GAME-T rawinsonde observations, J. Atmos. Sci., 61, provisionally accepted.
53.  Sakurai, N., F. Murata, M. D. Yamanaka, H. Hashiguchi, S. Mori, J.-I. Hamada, Y.-I. Tauhid, T. Sribimawati and B. Suhardi, 2005: Diurnal cycle of migration of convective cloud systems over Sumatera Island. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, provisionally accepted.
54.  Iwayama, T. and T. G. Shepherd, 2005: Anomalous self-similarity and vortex scaling theory for decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. under revision.
55.  Ichiyanagi, K., K. Yoshimura and M. D. Yamanaka, 2005: The isotopic amount effect based on daily precipitation data. J. Geophys. Res., in waiting review of revised manuscript.
56.  Nodzu, M. I., S.-Y. Ogino, Y. Tachibana and M. D. Yamanaka, 2005: Climatological description on seasonal variations of temperature inversion layers over the Indochina Peninsula. J. Climate, in revision.
57.  Shibagaki, Y., T. Shimomai, T. Kozu, S. Mori, Y. Fujiyoshi, H. Hashiguchi, M. K. Yamamoto, S. Fukao and M. D. Yamanaka, 2005: Multi-scale convective systems associated with an intraseasonal variation over the Indonesian maritime continent. Mon. Wea. Rev., submitted.
58.  Hamada, J.-I., M. D. Yamanaka, S. Mori, Y. I. Tauhid and T. Sribimawati, 2005: Differences of rainfall characteristics between coastal and mountainous areas of Sumatera, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, submitted.
59.  Tamai, M., Y.Y. Liu, M. Yokoyama, N. Halim. H. Zaman and Y. Otofuji, 2004: Palaeomagnetic evidence for southward displacement of the Chuan Dian Fragment of the Yangtze block, Geophys. J. Int. ,158 , 297-309.
60.  Miura, D., Y. Otofuji, H. Inokuchi, R. Kamei and C. Mu, 2004: Deformation structures of the red sandstones in the Three Rivers region, eastren Tibetan Plateau, J. Geol. Soc. Jpn. , 110 , XV-XVI.
61.  Yamamoto, M., and N. Seama, 2004: Genetic algorithm inversion of geomagnetic vector data using a 2.5 dimensional magnetic structure model, Earth Planets Space , 56 , 217-227.
62.  Gamo, T., H. Masuda, T. Yamanaka, K. Okamura, J. Ishibashi, E. Nakayama, H. Obata, K. Shitashima, Y. Nishio, H. Hasumoto, M. Watanabe, K. Mitsuzawa, N. Seama, U. Tsunogai, F. Kouzuma and Y. Sano, 2004: Discovery of a new hydrothermal venting site in the southernmost Mariana Arc: Al-rich hydrothermal plumes and white smoker activity associated with biogenic methane, Geochemical J. , 38 , 527-534, 2004.
63.  Takemoto, K., N. Halim, Y. Otofuji, V.T. Tran, V.D. Le and S. Hada, 2005: New paleomagnetic constraints on the extrusion of Indochina: Late Cretaceous results from the Song Da terrane, northern Vietnam, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 229 , 273-285.
64.  Nogi, Y., K. Nishi, N. Seama and Y. Fukuda, 2005: An interpretation of the seafloor spreading history of the West Enderby Basin between initial breakup of Gondwana and anomaly C34. Marine Geophys. Res., 25, 221-231..
65.  Nabeshima, A., and Y.-P. Gunji, 2004: Zipf's-law in phonograms and Weibull distribution in ideograms: Comparison of English with Japanese. BioSystems , 73 , 131-139.
66.  Tsuda, S., M. Aono, and Y.-P. Gunji, 2004: Robust and emergent physarum logical-computing, BioSystems , 73 , 45-55.
67.  Komatsuzaki, T., K. Hoshino, Y. Matsunaga, G. J. Rylance, R. L. Johnston and D. J. Wales, 2005: How many dimension is required to approximate potential energy landscape of a model protein? J. Chem. Phys., 122 , 084714.
68.  Komatsuzaki, T., and R. S. Berry, 2005: Regularity in chaotic transitions on two-basin landscapes. Adv. Chem. Phys., 130A , 143-170.
69.  Komatsuzaki, T., K. Hoshino and Y. Matsunaga, 2005: Regularity in chaotic transitions on multi-basin landscapes. Adv. Chem. Phys., 130B , 257-313.
70.  Toda, M., T. Komatsuzaki, T. Konishi, R. S. Berry and S. A. Rice (Eds.), 2005: Geometric Structures of Phase Space in Multi-Dimensional Chaos: Applications to Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Complex Systems, Adv. Chem. Phys., 130, 1224pp, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Copyright Kobe University, CPS, 2007.