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[Kobe Planetary School] [Papers] [Textbook]
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Science, 2 June 2006 [link]
Image courtesy: ISAS/JAXA

COEPS : sub-group 1. Origin of Planetary Systems

1.  Itoh, Y., Oasa, Y., Fukagawa, M., Coronagraphic Search for Extrasolar Planets around epsilon Eri and Vega, 2006, Ap.J., 652, 1729
2.  Morita, A., Watanabe, M., Sugitani, K., Itoh, Y., et al."Probable Association of T Tauri Stars with the L 1014 Dense Core", 2006, P.A.S.J., 58, L41
3.  Urakawa, S., Yamada, T., Suto, Y., Turner, E. L., Itoh, Y., et al., An Extrasolar Planet Transit Search with Subaru Suprime-Cam, 2006, P.A.S.J., 58, 869
4.  Matsuyanagi, I., Itoh, Y., Sugitani, K., Oasa, Y., Mukai, T., Tamura, M., Sequential Formation of Low-Mass Stars in the BRC 14 Region, 2006, P.A.S.J., 58, L29
5.  Mayama, S., Tamura, M., Hayashi, M., Itoh, Y., et al. Subaru Near Infrared Coronagraphic Images of T Tauri, 2006, P.A.S.J., 58, 375
6.  Oasa, Y., Tamura, M., Nakajima, Y., Itoh, Y., et al., Very Low Luminosity Young Cluster and the Luminosity and MassFunctions in S106, 2006, A.J., 131, 1608
7.  Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Itoh, Y. Kudo, T., Imaeda, Y., Oasa, Y., Hayashi, S. S., Hayashi, M., Near-Infrared Images of Protoplanetary Disk Surrounding HD 142527, 2006, Ap.J., 636, L153
8.  Y. Aikawa & H. Nomura. Physical and Chemical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks with Grain Growth, ApJ, 642, 1152-1162, 2006,
9.  Y. Aikawa, "Cold CO Gas in Protoplanetary Disks" , ApJ, 656, L93-L96, 2007
10.  H. Nomura, Y. Aikawa, M. Tsujimoto, Y. Nakagawa, & T.J. Millar " Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Protoplanetary Disks II. Effects of X-ray Irradiation and Dust Evolution" , ApJ, 661, 334-353, 2007
11.  E.A. Bergin, Y. Aikawa, G.A. Blake, E.F. van Dishoeck,"The Chemical Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks" , Protostars and Plannets V, 751-766, 2007
12.  J. di Francesco, N.J. II. Evans, P. Caselli, P.C. Myers, Y. Shirley, Y. Aikawa, M. Tafalla, "An Observational Perspective of Low-Mass Dense Cores I: Internal Physical and Chemical Properties" , Protostars and Planets V, 17-32, 2007
13.  M. Nagashima, S. Inutsuka, H. Koyama," How long can tiny HI coulds survive " , ApJ, 652, L41-L44
14.  T. Inoue, Inutsuka, S., H. Koyama," Structure and Stability of Phase Transition Layers in the Interstellar Medium" , ApJ, 652, 1331-1338
15.  Abe, S., Mukai, T., Hirata, N., Barnouin-Jha, O. S., Cheng, A. F., Demura, H., Gaskell, R. W., Hashimoto, T., Hiraoka, K., Honda, T., Kubota, T., Matsuoka, M., Mizuno, T., Nakamura, R., Scheeres, D. J., Yoshikawa, M., Mass and Local Topography Measurements of Itokawa by Hayabusa, Science, 312, (5778), 1344-1347, 2006
16.  Hiroi, T., Abe, M., Kitazato, K., Abe, S., Clark, B. E., Sasaki, S., Ishiguro, M., Barnouin-Jha, O. S., Developing space weathering on the asteroid 25143 Itokawa, Nature, 443, 7107, 56-58, 2006
17.  Abe, M., Takagi, Y., Kitazato, K., Abe, S., Hiroi, T., Vilas, F., Clark, B. E., Abell, P. A., Lederer, S. M., Jarvis, K. S., Nimura, T., Ueda, Y., Fujiwara, A., Near-Infrared Spectral Results of Asteroid Itokawa from the Hayabusa Spacecraft, Science, 312, (5778), 1334, 2006
18.  Yano, H., Kubota, T., Miyamoto, H., Okada, T., Scheeres, D., Takagi, Y., Yoshida, K., Abe, M., Abe, S., Barnouin-Jha, O., Fujiwara, A., Hasegawa, S., Hashimoto, T., Ishiguro, M., Kato, M., Kawaguchi, J., Mukai, T., Saito, J., Sasaki, S., Yoshikawa, M., Touchdown of the Hayabusa Spacecraft at the Muses Sea on Itokawa, Science, 312, (5778), 1350-1353, 2006
19.  Nomura, H. and Nakagawa, Y. Dust Size Distribution and Settling in a Protoplanetary Disk. Astrophys. J. 640:1099-1109, 2006.
20.  Y.Okada, A.M.Nakamura and T.Mukai, Light scattering by particulate media of irregularly shaped particles: Laboratory measurements and numerical simulations, J.Q.S.R.T. 100, (No.1-3), 295-304, 2006.
21.  A. Fujiwara, J. Kawaguchi, D. K. Yeomans, M. Abe, T. Mukai, T. Okada, J. Saito, H. Yano, M. Yoshikawa, D. J. Scheeres, O. Barnouin-Jha, A. F. Cheng, H. Demura, R. W. Gaskell, N. Hirata, H. Ikeda, T. Kominato, H. Miyamoto, A. M. Nakamura, R. Nakamura, S. Sasaki, K. Uesugi, The Rubble-Pile Asteroid Itokawa as Observed by Hayabusa, Science 312, 1330-1334, 2006.
22.  A.Chantal. Levasseur-Regourd, T. Mukai, J. Lasue, Y. Okada, Physical properties of cometary and interplanetary dust, Planetary and Space Science, 55, 1010-1020, 2007.
23.  T.Mukai and Y.Okada, Optical properties of large aggregates, ESA-SP 643, 157-160, 2007.
24.  Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai, Exploring the 7:4 mean motion resonance. II. Scattering evolution paths and resonance sticking, Planetary and Space Science, 54, 87-100, 2006.
25.  T.Mukai, A.M.Nakamura and T.Sakai, Asteroidal surface studies by laboratory light scattering and LIDAR on HAYABUSA, Adv. Space Res. 37, 138-141, 2006.
26.  Higuchi, E.Kokubo and T.Mukai, Scattering of planetesimals by a planet: Formation of comet cloud candidates, Astronom. J. 131, 1119-1129, 2006.
27.  Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai, Origin of scattered disk resonant TNOs: Evidence for an ancient excited Kuiper belt of 50 AU radius, Icarus, 186, 331-341, 2007.
28.  Patryk S. Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai, Dynamical classification of trans-Neptunian objects: Probing their origin, evolution and imterrelation, Icarus, 189, 213-232, 2007.
29.  Koehler, M., Kimura, H., and Mann, I. 2006: Applicability of the discrete-dipole approximation to light-scattering simulations of large cosmic dust aggregates, Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 448, 395-399.
30.  Kimura, H. Kolokolova, L., and Mann, I. 2006: Light scattering by cometary dust numerically simulated with aggregate particles consisting of identical spheres, Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 449, 1243- 1254.
31.  Kolokolova, L., Kimura, H., Ziegler, K., Mann, I. 2006: Light-scattering properties of random-oriented aggregates: Do they represent the properties of an ensemble of aggregates J. Quant.Spectros. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 100, Issue 1-3 199-206.
32.  Minato, T., Koehler, M., Kimura, H., Mann, I., and Yamamoto, T. 2006: Momentum transfer to fluffy dust aggregates from stellar winds, Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 452, 701-707.
33.  Mann, I., Koehler, M., Kimura, H., Czechowski, A., and Minato, T. 2006: Dust in the solar system and in extra-solar planetary systems, Astron. Astrophys. Review, Vol. 13. 159-228.
34.  Krueger, H. Altobelli, N. Anweiler, B., Dermott, S.F., Dikarev, V., Graps, A., Gruen, E., Gustafson, B.A., Hamilton, D.P., Hanner, M.S., Horanyi, M., Kissel, J., Landgraf, M., Lindblad, B.A., Linkertc, D., Linkert, G, Mann, I., McDonnell, J.A.M., Morfill, G., Polanskey, C., Schwehm, G., Srama, R., Zook, H.A. 2006: Five years of Ulysses dust data: 2000 2004, Planet. Space Sci. 54, 932-956.
35.  Krueger, H., Bindschadler, D., Dermott, S. F., Graps, A. L., Gruen, E., Gustafson, B. A., Hamilton, D. P.,Hanner, M. S., Horanyi, M., Kissel, J., Lindblad, B. A., Linkert, D., Linkert, G., Mann, I., McDonnell, J. A. M., Moissl, R., Morfill, G. E., Polanskey, C., Schwehm, G., Srama, R., Zook, H. A. 2006: Galileo dust data from the jovian system: 1997-1999, Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 54, Issue 9-10, 879-910.
36.  McComas, D.J., Velli, M.,Lewis, W.S.,L.W. Acton, L.W., Balat-Pichelin, M., Bothmer, V., Dirling, R.B.,Feldman, W.C., Gloeckler, G., Habbal, S.R., Hassler, D.M, Mann, I., Matthaeus, W.H., McNutt, R.L.,Jr., Mewaldt, R.A., Murphy, N., Ofman, L., Sittler, E.C., Jr., Smith, C.W., and Zurbuchen, T.H., 2007: Understanding Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration: the Case for in-situ Near-Sun Measurements, Rev. Geophys. Vol. 45, No. 1, RG1004.
37.  Mann, I., Czechowski, A., Kimura, H., Koehler, M., Minato, T., and Yamamoto, T. 2006: Physical properties of dust in the solar system and its interrelation with small bodies, in: Proceedings, Asteroids, Comets, Meteroids, IAU Symposium no 229, (D. Lazzaro, S. Ferraz-Mello, J. A. Fernandez, Eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 41-65.
38.  Mann, I., Czechowski, A., and Minato, T. 2006: Generation of pick-up ions and neutral atoms from cosmic dust, in: Physics of the inner Heliosheath: Voyager Observations, Theory, and Future Prospects; 5th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 858, pp. 366-371 (2006).
39.  Gulkis, S., Frerking, S.M.,Crovisier, M., Beaudin, J., Hartogh, P., Encrenaz, P., Koch, P., Kahn, T., Salinas, C., Nowicki, Y., Irigoyen, R. Janssen, M. Stek, P. Hofstadter, M., Allen, M., Backus, C. Kamp, L. Jarchow, C. Steinmetz, E. Dechamp, A., Krieg, J., Gheudin, M. Bockelee-Morvan, D. Biver, N. Encrenaz, T. Despois, D. Ip, Lellouch, E. Mann, I. Muhleman, D. Rauer, H., Schloerb, P., and Spilker, T. 2006: MIRO: Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter, Space Sci. Rev., (10.1007/s11214-006-9032-y online) in press.
40.  Mann, I., Murad, E. and Czechowski, A. 2006: Nanoparticles in the inner solar System, Planet. Space Sci., 55, 1000-1009.
41.  Czechowski, A., and Mann, I. 2007: Collisional vaporization of dust and production of gas in the beta-Pictoris dust disk, Astrophys. J. 660, 1541-1555.
42.  Y.Okada, T.Mukai, I.Mann, H.Nomura, T.Takeuchi, I.Sano, S.Mukai, Grouping and adding method for calculating light scattering by large fluffy aggregates, JQSRT, 108, 65-80, 2007.
43.  Yamamoto, H., Kawamura, A., Tachihara, K., Mizuno, N., Onishi, T., Fukui, Y., Large-Scale CO Observations of a Far-Infrared Loop in Pegasus: Detection of a Large Number of Very Small Molecular Clouds Possibly Formed via Shocks, ApJ, 642, 307-318, 2006
44.  Forbrich, J., Preibisch, Th., Menten, K. M., Neuheuser, R., Walter, F. M., Tamura, M., Matsunaga, N., Kusakabe, N., Nakajima, Y., Brandeker, A., Fornasier, S., Posselt, B., Tachihara, K., Broeg, C., Simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of young stellar objects in the Coronet cluster, A&A, 464, 1003-1013, 2007
45.  Tachihara, K., Rengel, M., Nakajima, Y., Yamaguchi, N., Andrae, P., Neuheuser, R., Onishi, T., Fukui, Y., Mizuno, A., Gas and Dust Condensations and a Peculiar Class 0 Object in the Lupus 3 Star- Forming Cloud, ApJ, 659, 1382, 2007.

COEPS : sub-group 2.
Origin and Evolution of Primordial Materials

46.  Bowey, J., Morlok, A., Koehler, M. and Grady, M. (2007) FT-IR 2-16 micron Spectroscopy of Micron-sized Enstatite Pyroxenes from Primitive Chondrites, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376, 1367-1374.
47.  Brownlee, D. et al. (2006) Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a Microscope, Science, 314, 1711-1716.
48.  Fujiwara, A., Kawaguchi, J., Yeomans, D.K., Abe, M., Mukai, T., Okada, T., Saito, J., Yano, H., Yoshikawa, M., Scheeres, D. J., Barnouin-Jha, O., Cheng, A. F., Demura, H., Gaskell, R. W., Hirata, N., Ikeda, H.,Kominato, T., Miyamoto, H., Nakamura, A. M., Nakamura, R., Sasaki, S., and Uesugi, K. (2006) The rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa as observed by Hayabusa, Science, 312, 1330-1334.
49.  Matsui, Y., Katsura, T., Kuwata, A., Hagiya, K., Tomioka, N., Sugita, M., Yokoshi, S., Nozawa, A. and Funakoshi, K. (2006) Equation of state of (Mg0.8Fe0.2)2SiO4 ringwoodite from synchrotron X-ray diffraction upto 20 GPa and 1700 K, European Journal of Mineralogy, 18, 523-528.
50.  Morlok, A., Bischoff, A., Stephan, T., Floss, C., Zinner, E. and Jessberger, E. K. (2006) Brecciation and Chemical Heterogeneities of CI Chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 5371-5394
51.  Nakamura, A. M., Michel, P., Setoh, M. (2007) Weibull parameters of Yakuno basalt targets used in documented high-velocity impact experiments J. Geophys. Res., 112, 10.1029/2006JE002757.
52.  Ohnishi, I. and Tomeoka, K. (2007) Hydrothermal alteration experiments of enstatite: Implications for aqueous alteration of carbonaceous chondrites, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42, 49-62.
53.  Saito, J., Miyamoto, H., Nakamura, R., Ishiguro, M., Michikami, T., Nakamura, A.M., and 28 co-authors (2006) Detailed images of asteroid 25143 Itokawa from Hayabusa, Science, 312, 1341-1344.
54.  Setoh, M., Nakamura, A. M., Hirata, N., Hiraoka, K., and Arakawa, M. (2007) Collisional disruption of weakly sintered porous targets at low impact velocities Earth Planet. Space, accepted.
55.  Tomioka, N., Tomeoka, K., Nakamura, K. and Sekine, T. (2007) Heating effects of the matrix of experimentally shocked Murchison CM chondrite: Comparison with micrometeorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 42, 19-30.
56.  Tomioka, N. (2007) A model for the shear mechanism in the enstatite-akimotoite phase transition, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 102, 226-232.
57.  Zolensky, M.E. et al. (2006) Mineralogy and Petrology of Comet 81P/Wild 2 Nucleus Samples, Science, 314, 1735-1739.

COEPS : sub-group 3. Evolution and Diversity of Planets

58.  Iwayama, T., and T. G. Shepherd, 2006: Self-similarity of vorticity dynamics in decaying two-dimensional turbulence. In Proceedings ofIUTAM symposium on Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance in Turbulence Dynamics, 177-182.
59.  Murata, F., M. D. Yamanaka, H. Hashiguchi, S. Mori, M. Kudsy, T.Sribimawati, B. Suhardi and Emrizal, 2006: Dry intrusions following eastward-propagating synoptic-scale cloud systems over Sumatera Island. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84, 277-294.
60.  Shibagaki, Y., T. Shimomai, T. Kozu, S. Mori, Y. Fujiyoshi, H.Hashiguchi, M. K. Yamamoto, S. Fukao and M.D. Yamanaka, 2006:Multi-scale convective systems associated with an intraseasonal oscillation over the Indonesian maritime continent. Mon. Wea. Rev.,134, 1682-1696.
61.  Nodzu, M. I., S.-Y. Ogino, Y. Tachibana and M. D. Yamanaka, 2006:Climatological description on seasonal variations of temperatureinversion layers over the Indochina Peninsula. J. Climate, 19, 3307-3319.
62.  Mori, S., Hamada J.-I., Y. I. Tauhid, M. D. Yamanaka, Y.-M. Kodama, M.Kawashima, T. Shimomai, Y. Shibagaki, H. Hashiguchi and T. Sribimawati,2006: Vertical wind characteristics in precipitating cloud systems over west Sumatera, Indonesia, observed with Equatorial Atmosphere Radar:Case study on 23-24 April 2004 during the first CPEA campaign period.J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84A, 113-131.
63.  Araki, R., M. D. Yamanaka, F. Murata, H. Hashiguchi, Y. Oku, T.Sribimawati, M. Kudsy and F. Renggono, 2006: Seasonal and interannualvariations of diurnal cycles of local circulation and cloud activity observed at Serpong, West Jawa, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84A,171-194.
64.  Hashiguchi, N. O., M. D. Yamanaka, S.-Y. Ogino, M. Shiotani and T.Sribimawati, 2006: Seasonal and interannual variations of temperature in tropical tropopause layer (TTL) over Indonesia based on operational rawinsonde data during 1992-1999. J. Geophys. Res., 111, D15110, doi:10.1029/2005JD006501.
65.  Ishida, S.-I., and T. Iwayama, 2006: A comprehensive analysis of nonlinear corrections to the classical Ekman pumping. J. Meteor. Soc.Japan, 84, 839-851.
66.  Ogino, S.-Y., K. Sato, M. D. Yamanaka and A. Watanabe, 2006:Lower-stratospheric and upper-tropospheric disturbances observed byradiosondes over Thailand during January 2000. J. Atmos. Sci., 63,3437-3447.
67.  Ichiyanagi, K., M. D. Yamanaka and Y. Muraji, 2007: Precipitation in Nepal between 1987 and 1996. Int. J. Climatol., in press.
68.  Sueyoshi, M. and T. Iwayama, 2007: Hamiltonian structure for the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima euqation in the asymptotic model regime. Fluid Dynamical Research, 39, 346-352, 2007.
69.  Hashimoto, G.L., Y. Abe, and S. Sugita, 2007: The chemical composition of the early terrestrial atmosphere: formation of a reducing atmosphere from CI-like material. J. Geophys. Res., in press.
70.  Hamada, J.-I., M. D. Yamanaka, S. Mori, Y. I. Tauhid and T. Sribimawati,2007: Differences of rainfall characteristics between coastal and mountainous areas of Sumatera, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, in second revision.
71.  Wu, P., M. Hara, J.-I. Hamada, T. Sasaki, M. D. Yamanaka and F. Kimura, 2007: Why a large amount of rain falls over the sea in the vicinity of western Sumatra Island during nighttime. J. Atmos. Sci., in revision after submission.
72.  Matsuno, T., N. Seama, and K. Baba, A study on correction equations for the effect of seafloor topography on ocean bottom magnetotelluric data,Earth Planets Space, accepted.
73.  Seama, N., K. Baba, H. Utada, H. Toh, N. Tada, M. Ichiki and T. Matsuno,1-D electrical conductivity structure beneath the Philippine Sea:Results from an ocean bottom magnetotelluric survey, Phys. Earth Planet.Int., accepted.
74.  Wiens, D.A, N. Seama and J. A. Conder, Mantle structure and flow patterns beneath active back-arc basins inferred from passive seismic and electromagnetic methods, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 166, Back-Arc Spreading Systems - Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical Interactions, David M. Christie, Charles R. Fisher, Sang-Mook Lee, and Sharon Givens, Editors, 2006.
75.  Joshima, M., T. Ishihara, K. Koizumi, N. Seama, A. Oshida, H. Fujimoto and T. Kanazawa, Measurements by Ocean Bottom Gravimeter at Harima-nada in Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Jour. Japan Soc. Mar. Surv. Tech., 18(1), 17-27, 2006. (In Japanese with English abstract).
76.  Tada, N. and N. Seama, Surveys of the oceanic crust resistivity structure using a Magnetometric Resistivity method. Butsuri-Tansa,59(2), 171-180, 2006. (In Japanese with English abstract).
77.  Kitada, K., N. Seama, T. Yamazaki, Y. Nogi and K. Suyehiro, Distinct regional differences in crustal thickness along the axis of the Mariana Trough, inferred from gravity anomalies, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, doi:10.1029/2005GC001119, 2006.
78.  Akira Shojiguchi,Chun Biu Li, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, and Mikito Toda 'Fractional behavior in nonergodic reaction processes of isomerization' Physical Review E (rapid communication), 75, 035204(R), 2007.
79.  Shinnosuke Kawai,Yo Fujimura,Okitsugu Kajimoto,Takefumi Yamashita,Chun-Biu Li,Tamiki Komatsuzaki, and Mikito Toda 'Dimension reduction for extracting geometrical structure of multidimensional phase space: Application to fast energy exchange in the reaction O(1D)+N2O->NO+NO ' Physical Review A 75, 022714 (2007)
80.  Gareth J. Rylance, Roy L. Johnston, Yasuhiro Matsunaga, Chun Biu Li,Akinori Baba,Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Topographical complexity of multidimensional energy landscapes, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 18551 (2006)
81.  Chun Biu Li, Akira Shojiguchi, Mikito Toda, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki 'Erratum: Dynamical Hierarchy in Transition States of Reactions' Few-Body Systems 40,129 (2006)
82.  Chun Biu Li, Akira Shojiguchi, Mikito Toda, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki, 'Erratum: Definability of No-Return Transition States in the High-Energy Regime above the Reaction Threshold [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 028302 (2006)]' Physical Review Letters 97, 129901 (2006).
83.  Akira Shojiguchi,Chun Biu Li, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, and Mikito Toda 'Dynamical Foundation and Limitations of Statistical Reaction Theory'Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 13, 857-867, 2008.
84.  Akira Shojiguchi, Akinori Baba, Chun Biu Li, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, and Mikito Toda 'Wavelet Analysis and Arnold Web Picture for Detecting Energy Transfer in Hamiltonian Dynamical System' Laser Physics, 16(7), 1097-1106 (2006).
85.  Chun Biu Li, Akira Shojiguchi, Mikito Toda, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki 'Definability of No-return Transition States in High Energy Regime Above Threshold' Physical Review Letters 97, 028302-028305 (2006).
86.  Chun Biu Li, Akira Shojiguchi, Mikito Toda, and Tamiki Komatsuzaki 'Dynamical Hierarchy in Transition States of Reactions' Few-Body Systems38,173-179 (2006)
87.  Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Hiroyuki Miyoshi, Tatsuji Takahashi and Moto Kamiura Dynamical duality of type- and token-computation as an abstract brain Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 27(2006)1187-1204
88.  Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Taichi Haruna and Koji Sawa, Principles of Biological Organization: Local-Global Negotiation Based on "Material Cause" . Physica D 219 (2006) 152-167.
89.  OHTA Hiroyuki, GUNJI Pegio-Yukio Recurrent neural netwrokarchitecture with pre-synaptic inhibition for incremental learning Neural Networks Volume 19, Issue 8, October 2006, P1106-1119, Neurobiology of Decision Making Taichi Haruna and Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Duality between Decomposition and Gluing: A Theoretical Biology via Adjoint Functors. Biosystems, (accepted).
90.  Taichi Haruna and Yukio-Pegio Gunji, A Generalization of Formal Model of Internal Measurement: A Construction on One-Dimensional Maps. International Journal of Unconventional Computing 2 (2006) 231-248.
91.  Daisuke Uragami, Yukio-Pegio Gunji: Heterarchical Cognitive Maps:Anticipatory System in Virtual Maze. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems.Volume 18, 135-144, 2006
92.  Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. P. and Gunji, Y. P. Computing Substrates and Life, In Artmann, S. and Dittrich, P., Eds. Explorations in the Complexity of Possible Life, pp. 39-49. (2006) IOS Press and Synthesizing the Principles of Living Systems.
93.  Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. P. and Gunji, Y. P.Robot control with biological cells. BioSystems 87 (2007) 215-223.
94.  Shirakawa T. and Gunji Y.-P." Anticipatory behavior and intracellular communication in Physarum polycephalum" COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS; CASYS' 05-7th International Conference (Dubois, D. ed.), The American Institute of Physics, pp541-546, 2006
95.  Moto Kamiura and Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Reactive Colimit: a View of Internal Measurement Based on a Hamiltonian System, Int. J. of Computing Anticipatory Systems 17(2006)47-60.
96.  Moto Kamiura and Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Robust and Ubiquitous On-Off Intermittency in Active Coupling, Physica D 218(2006)122-130.

Copyright Kobe University, CPS, 2007.