[Seminar TOP] [FY2013] [FY2012] [FY2011]
Masaki Ishiwatari (Hokkaido University) "New estimates of habitable zones: A review of Kopparapu et al. (2013)" (Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere)
Masatoshi Ohishi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) "Why Not Join Astrobiology?"
Ingrid Mann (EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden) "An Introduction to EISCAT_3D"
Naohiro Manago (Chiba University) "Observation of Martian atmosphere using hyperspectral imaging camera"(Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere)
Masato Shiotani (Chiba University) "Stratospheric water vapor - a role of the tropical tropopause"
Noboru Nakamura(Dept of the Geophysical Sciences, U. Chicago) "Extending the TEM set for finite-amplitude Rossby wave-mean flow interaction"
CPS seminar/ AICS Particle Simulator Research Team Seminar, Jürg Diemand (SNF Professor,Computational Science/ Theoretical Physics, University of Zürich)
"Billion particle simulations of dark matter halos and phase transitions"
Seita Emori(NIES) "intense course of lectures"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video 1] [Lecture Video 2] [Lecture Video 3]
CPS seminar/ WTK Online Seminar, Seita Emori(NIES) "Climate change risk management at a global scale"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video 4] [Lecture Video 5] [Lecture Video 6]