Seminars, Schools, Training Courses, and Workshops


Currently not scheduled

Multimedia Archives

[FY2024 Past Schedule] [FY2023] [FY2022] [FY2021] [FY2020] [FY2019] [FY2018] [FY2017] [FY2016]

[FY2015] [FY2014] [FY2013] [FY2012] [FY2011] [FY2010] [FY2009] [FY2008] [FY2007]


Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration [Visit this school's website]
FY2018 "Solar system Exploration, CPS, January 9-14, 2019
[FY2018 "lunar Exploration"] [FY2017 "Planet Exploration"] [FY2017 "Astrobiology in the Solar System"] [FY2016"Comet Exploration"] [FY2016 "Mars Exploration"] [FY2015 "lunar"]
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences[Visit this school's website]
9th School "Across the Earth into Exoplanets", Kobe, June 24-29, 2012
[8th School] [7th School] [6th School] [5th School]
Frontier Seminar in Planetary Science [Visit this school's website](Japanese page only)
FY2023's Seminar, Hokkaido, September 4-7, 2023
[FY2022's School] [FY2019's School] [FY2018's School] [FY2017's School] [FY2016's School] [FY2015's School] [FY2014's School] [FY2013's School] [FY2012's School] [FY2011's School] [FY2010's School] [FY2009's School] [FY2008's School]
GFD Seminar[Visit this school's website](Japanese page only)
FY2024's Seminar, Online, June 6, 2024
[FY2023's Seminar] [FY2022's Seminar] [FY2021's Seminar] [FY2020's Seminar] [FY2019's Seminar] [FY2018's Seminar] [FY2017's Seminar] [FY2016's Seminar] [FY2015's Seminar] [FY2014's Seminar] [FY2013's Seminar] [FY2012's Seminar] [FY2011's Seminar] [FY2009's Seminar]
Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS)[Visit this school's website]
23rd Workshop, Kyoto, November 28 - December 1, 2023
[22nd Workshop] [21st Workshop] [20th Workshop] [19th Workshop] [18th Workshop] [17th Workshop] [16th Workshop] [15th Workshop] [14th Workshop] [13th Workshop] [12th Workshop] [11th Workshop]
The School of the Universe[Visit this school's website]
14th School, Chitose, Hokkaido, March 6-8, 2014
[13th School] [12th School] [11th School] [10th School] [9th School]

Training Courses


Forum on Computational Planetary Science
Post-K Research and Development projects (Exploratory Challenges): Elucidation of the Birth of Exoplanets [Second Earth] and the Environmental Variations of Planets in the Solar System (Japanese Page Only)
Project for Innovative AI Chips and Next-Generation Computing Technology Development (Japanese page only)
Cosmic Dust [Visit this workshop's website]
The 14th meeting on Cosmic Dust, Nagoya, August 5-9,2024
[The 13th meeting] [The 12th meeting] [The 11th meeting] [The 10th meeting] [The 9th meeting] [The 8th meeting] [The 7th meeting] [The 6th meeting] [The 5th meeting] [The 4th meeting] [The 3rd meeting] [The 2nd meeting] [The 1st meeting]
Grain Formation Workshop [Visit this workshop's website]
30th Workshop, Kobe, November 28-30, 2011
[29th Workshop] [28th Workshop] [27th Workshop]
Workshop on Data Analysis and Numerical Calculation for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics [Visit this workshop's website]
FY2021's Laboratory Training Course on Numerical Calculation and Data AnalysisOnline, March 31, 2022
[FY2020's Workshop] [FY2019's Workshop] [FY2018's Workshop]

[FY2017's Workshop] [FY2016's Workshop] [FY2015's Workshop] [FY2014's Workshop] [FY2013's Workshop]

[FY2012's Workshop] [FY2011's Workshop] [FY2010's Workshop] [FY2009's Workshop] [FY2008's Workshop]

Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere [Visit this workshop's website]
Workshop on Venus and other related atmospheres, March 25-29, 2024

[FY2023's Workshop] [FY2022's Workshop] [FY2021's Workshop] [FY2020's Workshop] [FY2019's Workshop] [FY2018's Workshop]

[FY2017's Workshop] [FY2016's Workshop] [FY2015's Workshop] [FY2014's Workshop] [FY2013's Workshop] [FY2012's Workshop]

[FY2011's Workshop] [FY2010's Workshop] [FY2009's Workshop] [FY2008's Workshop] [FY2007's Workshop] [FY2006's Workshop]

CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration [Visit this workshop's website]
28th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration June 11, 2018 @JAXA/ISAS

[27th Workshop] [26th Workshop] [25th Workshop] [24th Workshop] [23th Workshop] [22th Workshop] [21th Workshop] [20th Workshop]

[19th Workshop] [18th Workshop] [17th Workshop] [16th Workshop] [15th Workshop] [14th Workshop]

[13th Workshop] [12th Workshop] [11th Workshop] [10th Workshop] [9th Workshop] [8th Workshop] [7th Workshop]

[6th Workshop] [5th Workshop] [4th Workshop [Presentation File]] [3rd Workshop] [2nd Workshop] [1st Workshop]

Workshop on Satellite Systems [Visit this workshop's website]
FY2016's Workshop, Tokyo Institute of Technology, January 25-26, 2017
[FY2015's Workshop] [FY2014's Workshop] [FY2013's Workshop] [FY2012's Workshop]
Keihanshin Workshop on Astrophysics and Planetary Science
The 2nd Keihanshin Workshop on Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Osaka, April11, 2015
[The 1st Workshop, Kobe, April5, 2014]
Workshop on Satellite Systems [Visit this workshop's website]
FY2016's Workshop, Tokyo Institute of Technology, January 25-26, 2017
[FY2015's Workshop] [FY2014's Workshop] [FY2013's Workshop] [FY2012's Workshop]
Keihanshin Workshop on Astrophysics and Planetary Science
The 2nd Keihanshin Workshop on Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Osaka, April11, 2015
[The 1st Workshop, Kobe, April5, 2014]
Other Workshops
Tentai no shoutotsu butsuri no kaimei(XIV)@Integrated Research Center of Kobe University ,December 17-19 (Japanese page only)
Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration@Nagoya University ,November 29, 2018
Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration@sola city Conference Center EAST ,December 19, 2018
The 11th space gurd,@Tokyo Skytree Town Campus ,November 3, 2018
The 74th Fujihara Seminar / International Venus Conference 2019, Hokkaido, May 31-June 3, 2019
Heterogeneous Manycore workshop,Kobe, August 9, 2018 [Program]
Subaru Workshop on Small Solar System Bodies, Kobe, November 19- 21, 2018 [Program]
The 74th Fujihara Seminar / International Venus Conference 2018,Hokkaido,September 11-14, 2018 (Rescheduled to May 31-June 3, 2019 due to the earthquake of Iburi, Hokkaido)
9th Workshop on Catastrophic Disruption in the Solar System, Kobe, May 14-17, 2018 [Program]
The Symposium "大学共同利用を基礎とした,宇宙科学・探査のより良い発展に向けて", University of Tokyo, October 20, 2017 [Program (Japanese Only)]
Workshop on STE simulation, Kobe, September 6-8, 2017 [Program (Japanese Only)]
Moving Planets Around Writing Workshop, Kobe, July 19- August 2, 2017[pdf]
The CPS Science Workshop on SMILES-2, Kobe, June 23, 2017 [Program (Japanese Only)]
Symposium on Integrated Research Center, Kobe, Jan 7, 2017 [Program (Japanese Only)]
Joint workshop by Hadean Bioscience A01 and A05 ,Kobe, Feb 4, 2016 [Program (Japanese Only)]
MODEST 15-S,Integrated Research Center, December 7-11, 2015
Data analysis couse on Hyper Suprime-Cam survey, Kobe, October 5-6, 2015
J-Physics:Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems Kickoff Meeting,Kobe, September 14-15, 2015
AICS ELSI ISSA Summer School "Towards an Integrative Approach to the Study of Awareness", Kobe, August 3-21, 2015 [Program]
Possible features of the Hadean climate viewing from formation of the solar system -- Joint workshop by Hadean Bioscience A01 and A05 --, Kobe, June 2, 2015 [Program (Japanese Only)]
Japanese-French model studies of planetary atmospheres, Kobe, May 11-15, 2015
SEED Workshop, Kobe, October 22-24, 2014
Workshop on infrared observations and planetary science, Kobe, October 8-9, 2014 [Program] [Presentation File]
The influence of material and temperature on the dust coagulation in protoplanetary disks, Hokkaido University, August5-7, 2014
AICS Workshop "Modeling Origins of Life" , August4-22, 2014
"From Protoplanetary Disks to Planets" New Frontiers of Extrasolar Planets: Exploring Terrestrial Planets, Supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by MEXT, Kobe, March 5-7, 2014
3rd Symposium on Future Space and Planetary Science, Kobe, February 27-28, 2013
MODEST-12, Kobe, August 15-17, 2012
Workshop on future of planetary science, Kobe, July 24, 2012
Seminar for the Forefront of Planetary Science, Kobe, March 5, 2012
Current Status and Future Prospects on Mars Studies, Kobe, February 13, 2012
Science Workshop on Thinking from Hayabusa 2, Kobe, December 15, 2011
2011 Meeting of Hypervelocity impact facilities in Japan, Kobe, December 12-13, 2011
Summer 2011 Kobe workshop "MODEST-10d: High-Level Languages for Hugely Parallel Astrophysics Simulations: Dialogues between Computer Scientists and (Astro)physicists", Kobe, August 23-24, 2011
Long-Term Workshop on Formation of All Objects in the Universe - from Planets to Galaxies, Sapporo, August 1-31, 2011
Workshop on the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies - from the first stars to the solar system, Sapporo, March 2-4, 2011
CPS Mini-Workshop "The Use of Computers in Astronomy and Planetary Science", Kobe, December 14, 2010
Links between granular matter physics and planetary science, Kobe, November 22-23, 2010
1st Asian Nuclear Reaction Database Development Workshop, Sapporo, October 25-29, 2010
Japanese-German Workshop on "Dust in Planetary Systems", Jena, Germany, September 27-October 1, 2010
Lunar and Planetary Exploration for the Next Decade: An Open Forum, Kobe, September 10, 2010
CPS Cosmic Dust Workshop, Kobe, March 11, 2010
NCU-CPS Japan-Taiwan Planetary Science Workshop 2009, Jhungli, Taiwan, December 8-9, 2009
Workshop on Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Observation of Planetary Atmospheres, Tokyo, November 20, 2009
Workshop on Young Man Researcher's Career Formation, Kashiwa, Chiba, November 14, 2009
CPS Workshop on Icy Moons and Origin of Jupiter and other Giant Planets, Sapporo, November 9-10, 2009
URSI/COSPAR Workshop on the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI2009), Kagoshima, November 2-7, 2009
Workshop on Extra-Solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements, Sapporo, October 7-9, 2009
Workshop on Protostars and Protoplanetary Disks, Kyoto, September 10-12, 2009
Workshop on Planetary Climatological Data Archives, Kobe, August 27, 2009
Workshop on Magneto-Rotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks, Kobe, June 2-3, 2009
CPS-JSPS Forum, Tokyo, March 31, 2009
Workshop on Observations of the 2009 Total Solar Eclipse on Board Kagoshima-maru, Kagoshima, March 1, 2009
JCPRG Meeting "Recent Advances of Studies on Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Data", Sapporo, November 28-29, 2008
CPS Workshop on Current Studies and Problems on Mars, Tokyo, May 12, 2007
JCPRG Meeting "Recent Advances of Studies on Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Data", Sapporo, November 28-29, 2008
CPS Workshop on Current Studies and Problems on Mars, Tokyo, May 12, 2007