[Seminar TOP]
- May 7, 2009
Jun Kimura (Hokkaido Univ.), "Overview of the operation of Kaguya/SELENE mission: Planning for the scientific observations"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- June 11, 2009
Mariko Kato (Tokyo Inst. Tech), "The Dust Concentration by MRI in Protoplanetary Disks"
- June 16, 2009
Teruyuki Nakajima (Univ. of Tokyo)
[Lecture Video]
- June 30, 2009
Masayuki Ito (Kobe Univ.), "An Action Research to Create a Support System for Civil Science Activities in the Regional Community and Kobe University Science Shop"
[Lecture Video (password required)]
- July 8, 2009
Ryosuke Nakamura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
[Lecture Video (password required)]
- July 9, 2009
Hiroki Senshu (PERC, Chitec), "Core formation and its role on thermal evolution"
[Lecture Video]
- July 23, 2009
Takayuki Tanigawa (Hokkaido Univ. ILTS), "Formation of Satellite Systems: Supply of Solid Materials onto Circum-Planetary Disks"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- August 3, 2009
Takehiko Satoh (ISAS/JAXA)
[Lecture Video]
- September 1, 2009
Seiichi Sakamoto (JAXA), "JAXA's Education and Public Outreach Activities"
[Lecture Video (password required)]
- September 1, 2009
Osamu Nakamura (Waseda Univ.), "Science Communication and Journalism"
[Lecture Video]
- September 10, 2009
Sebastian Müller (Friedrich Schiller Univ.), "Debris Disks and Their Dust"
[Presentation File]
- October 15, 2009
Akemi Tamanai (Friedrich Schiller Univ.), "Morphological Effects of Dust Grains on Mid-IR Extinction Spectra"
[Presentation File]
- October 19, 2009
Hiroshi Kobayashi (Friedrich Schiller Univ.), "Planet Formation with Fragmentation"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- October 22, 2009
Hiroki Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.), "Report on the GFD 2009 at Woods Hole, principle lectures: Nonlinear waves, project: Laboratory Experiments on Two Coalescing Axisymmetric Turbulent Plumes in a Rotating Fluid"
[Lecture Video]
- December 2, 2009
Tetsuya Fukuhara (Hokkaido Univ.)
- December 3, 2009
Takatoshi Yanagisawa (JAMSTEC)
[Lecture Video (password required)]
- December 7,2009
Atsushi Oketa (TBS Television, Inc.), "Science and Media, the history of myself -unify the natural science and the social science-"
[Lecture Video (password required)]
- December 8, 2009
David Baratoux (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées), "Impact Cratering and the Formation of Shatter Cones - The Enigma Remains"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- December 10, 2009
Téodolina Lopez (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées), "Thermal Anomalies in Central Elysium Planitia and Arsia Mons. Evidence and Implications of Aerothermal System"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- December 15, 2009
George L. Hashimoto (Okayama Univ.) "VEX-VMC Data Analyses: Albedo of Venus - Investigation of Climate Change Using Albedo of Planets -"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- December 15, 2009
Hirokazu Kataza (ISAS/JAXA) "Mid-Infrared Observations of Protoplanetary Disks"
[Lecture Video]
- December 21, 2009
Takehiko Sato (ISAS/JAXA)
[Lecture Video]
- January 15, 2010
Shigeki Inoue (Tohoku Univ.), "Another mode in dynamical friction: why does a constant density structure suppress dynamical friction?"
- January 25, 2010
Jun-ichi Kurihara (Hokkaido Univ.), "Large Vertical Winds Generated in the Polar Lower Thermosphere"
- January 28, 2010
Takashi Nakagawa (ETH, Zurich), "A Thermal Evolution Model of the Earth's Core in Consideration of Early Earth's Thermochemical Conditions"
[Lecture Video]
- March 24, 2010
Norikazu Maeno (Science Eye), Takashi Ono (Hokkai-Gakuen University) "Science of curling: Why does the stone curl?"
[Lecture Video 1] [Lecture Video 2] (password required)
- June 1, 2009
Anders Johansen (Leiden Obs.), "The magnetorotational instability and accretion disc turbulence: an overview"
[Lecture Video]
- January 12-13, 2010
Sarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay (Harvard Univ.), "Open questions about the formation of the largest impact craters" (and other 2 subjects)
[Presentation File]
[Lecture Video 1] [Lecture Video 2]
[Lecture Video 3]
- March 12, 2010
Ralf Srama (Max Planck Insti. f. Nucl. Phys.), "Cassini at Saturn: Moons, Rings and Dust"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]