[Seminar TOP]
- June 16, 2010
Koji Wada (Chitech) "To be, or not to be: that is the question of dust aggregates"
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- June 30, 2010
Satoru Yamamoto (NIES) "Global survey of mantle origin of olivine on the Moon"
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- July 8, 2010
Tomokatsu Morota (ISAS/JAXA) "Lunar mare asymmetries revealed by Kaguya high-resolution image data"
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- July 14, 2010
Chiashi Muroi (Japan Meteorological Agency) "Recent progress and challenges in weather forecast"
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- July 27, 2010
Masahiro Machida (NAOJ) "Formation process of a circum-stellar disk and gas giant planets"
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- July 28, 2010
Yoshiaki Ishihara (NAOJ) "Ground Observation of HAYABUSA Re-entry"
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- August 2, 2010
Hiroshi Esaki (Univ. of Tokyo) "WIDE Project ---Future Internet Research --- "
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- August 11, 2010
Jun-ichi Takahashi (NTT) "Circularly polarized light in space and its relationship to the origin of terrestrial homochirality"
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- August 26, 2010
Tetsuya Takemi (Kyoto Univ.) "High-resolution modeling analysis on the intensification and maintanance processes for terrestrial dust devils"
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- August 26, 2010
Hiromi Yokoyama (Univ. of Tokyo) "Can the science be connected to the society? Approach of scientific communication"
- September 15, 2010
Keiko Konya (JAMSTEC) "Fluctuation of a glacier in Mongolian Altai by field observations"
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- September 22, 2010
Akiyoshi Nouda (Tokyo Inst. Tech) "TBD"
- October 13, 2010
Ryuji Morishima (Univ. of Colorado) "Difficulties in formation of terrestrial planets"
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- October 13, 2010
Ichiro Tamagawa (Gifu Univ.) "Turbulence observation in Earth surface boundary layer told us ...."
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- October 20, 2010
Hiroki Ichikawa (Ehime Univ.) "Metal-Silicate equilibrium in the magma ocean"
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- November 10, 2010
Yasushi Fujiyoshi (Hokkaido Univ.) "Detection of Winds by Using a 3D-Coherent Doppler Lidar"
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- November 17, 2010
Akio K. Inoue (Osaka Sangyo Univ.) "The origin of dust in galaxies"
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- November 24, 2010
Kosuke Heki (Hokkaido Univ.) "Three recent topics in space geodesy: (1) Martian snow, (2) A big fuss over Taepodong, (3) Geodetic signals of global warming"
[Presentation File 1] [Presentation File 2] [Presentation File 3] [Presentation File 4]
[Lecture Video]
- November 24, 2010
Yoshitaka Yamashita (Hokkaido Univ.) "Kansaiben as a foreign language"
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- November 30, 2010
Saburo Miyahara (Kyushu Univ.) "A three dimensional wave activity flux applicable to inertio-gravity waves"
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- December 1, 2010
Tsuyoshi Hamada (Nagasaki Univ.) "The DEGIMA: DEstination for GPU Intensive MAchine"
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- December 1, 2010
Aki Takigawa (Univ. of Tokyo) "Formation and evolution of circumstellar corundum grains"
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- December 8, 2010
Seiji Konishi (RIKEN) "Can you visualize what your life will be like a few years from now? ~Introducing RIKEN’s career support services~"
- December 15, 2010
Ryutaro Himeno (RIKEN) "Analysis of flows around baseball using supercomputers and pitching forms"
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- December 22, 2010
Toshihiko Kadono (Osaka Univ.) "Hypervelocity impact experiments using high-power laser"
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- January 19, 2011
Christian Adam (Friedrich Schiller Univ.) "Multiplicity-study of nearby B-Stars using near-infrared data from ESO-VLT Archive"
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- January 19, 2011
Kiori Obuse (Kyoto Univ.) "GFD Program 2010 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution"
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- January 26, 2011
Kengo Komatsu (Newton Press) "TBD"
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- February 2, 2011
Daisuke Kinoshita (NCU) "Current Status of PS1 Sky Survey and Lulin 2-m Telescope"
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- February 9, 2011
Shingo Kameda (Chitech) "Mercury's environment and temporal variability of Mercury's exosphere"
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- February 16, 2011
Hikaru Yabuta (Osaka Univ.) "Astrobiology and Organics in Small Primitive Bodies"
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- February 23, 2011
Ichiro Kumagai (Hokkaido Univ.) "Bubbles save our planet: hydrofoil air pump for drag reduction of ship", "Flow behavior of thermo-chemical plumes in the Earth’s mantle"
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- February 23, 2011
Miyuki Yamada (Hokkaido Univ.) "The Planets Shakespeare: Story Visualization for Literary Works"
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- March 2, 2011
Kosuke Kurosawa (Univ. of Tokyo) "Phase changes due to hypervelocity impacts"
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- March 9, 2011
Ranjan Gupta (IUCAA) "Study of interstellar extinction and circumstellar dust properties with composite porous grains"
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- March 16, 2011
Tatsuhiro Michikami (FNCT) "A numerical model for the shape distribution of fragments"
Notice: This seminar has been cancelled.
- March 23, 2011
Tetsuya Hama (Hokkaido Univ.) "Photodissociation dynamics of amorphous solid water"
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- March 30, 2011
Takayuki Hirai (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) "Possibility of Developing A New Hybrid Dust Detector Using PZT as The Target of Impact Ionization Detector"
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- March 30, 2011
Maki Nakamura (Univ. of Tokyo) "Effects of a light reflecting layer to the response of piezoelectric PZT"
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- July 30/August 9, 2010
Marius Ungarish (Technion) "Gravity currents as a test case: Do simple mathematical models produce good physical insights, or do good insights generate powerful models?"
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video]
- November 29, 2010
Saburo Miyahara (Kyusyu Univ.)
[Presentation File] [Lecture Video 1][Lecture Video 2][Lecture Video 3][Lecture Video 4][Lecture Video 5]
- November 30, 2010
Saburo Miyahara (Kyushu Univ.) "A three dimensional wave activity flux applicable to inertio-gravity waves"
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